General Rules

  • Follow the No Decay Rules
  • Keep the chat to a professional standard. Only use chat for the following:
    • Captains discussing what the next map is and who wants to attack first
    • Captains letting the lobby leader of any substitutions being made
    • Lobby leader to ask if everyone is ready
    • A gg, gr, glhf or any similar messages in between and after rounds
    • Captains asking for a pause
  • You are entitled to a MAXIMUM five minutes between maps
  • You are entitled to a MAXIMUM five minutes pause time throughout the map. Any time more than this means you will have to resume the match with the members you currently have ready (meaning if you only have 5 players you can sub one of your subs in or play 5v6)
  • If anybody needs to join the lobby, do so when back on the lobby screen rather than in the middle of the match
  • Spectators and substitutes are not allowed to communicate to players mid-map in both text or voice chat. You are able to talk within your pause time or in the lobby

Lobby Settings

  • Use the following code:
    • Code will be generated closer to the time
  • Or use the following settings:
    • Set the lobby to Invite Only
    • Select the Competitive preset
    • Modes menu - change the following settings:
      • Skins disabled
      • Kill Cam disabled
    • Lobby menu - change the following settings:
      • Pause on Player Disconnect - Enabled
    • Heroes Menu - change the following settings:
      • If there are any heroes currently not playable in competitive disable them from being played
  • All substitutions must be set to spectate only the team that they are associated with; Any other spectators can be left as a neutral spectator
  • If you are the captain that is not hosting the lobby make sure that the lobby is set up correctly by right clicking on the map on your screen
  • Make sure you know your hotkey for pausing and unpausing the match
    • By default it’s CTRL + Shift + =

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